From Coach Christa: We all carry trauma, but as LGBTQ+ people we have faced trauma that is unique to our community. Whether it’s transphobia, homophobia, an absence of acceptance from family members, job discrimination, or a lack of self-acceptance, we have struggled to find our place in this world. I am here to help you heal your trauma so you can live a life of deep meaning.

I am committed to supporting the community because as a queer lesbian these issues are near to my heart, particularly relating to matters of spirituality. Some of my deepest trauma revolves around a lack of acceptance and judgment from evangelical christian family members. I had to question my own Christian roots and rediscover my spiritual purpose outside of organized religion so I could find peace and harmony within myself. I know what it’s like to reexamine religious and spiritual roots and come to a new spiritual understanding in order to move forward with productive and enriching life experiences that support a meaningful life purpose. By bringing deeper spiritual understanding and meaning into our lives, we begin to walk confidently on the path that is our life’s purpose.

From Coach Dani: Self discovery is a journey. Sometimes we are shielded from our true selves because of how we are raised and the expectations and norms that come from our childhood, and we miss signs that point to something else. There can be a moment that changes everything, or a slow progression of peeling back layers, or a mixture of both, but what happens when we realize our true path doesn’t match the life we had set for ourselves?

I realized I was gay and came out when I was 31. Stepping into my true self was a radical act of self care. It felt amazing to not only be understood by others, but to better understand myself and show that to the world. That said, there were pieces of my life that I had to change in order to do so, and loss that was experienced along the way. These losses weren’t easy, but I wouldn’t trade the confidence and self assurance to have those people back. I’m here to hold a torch for other members of the community who are trying to find their place in the world, to those who had to make hard choices in doing so, and for those who experienced losses.

Whatever your pain or trauma, we are here to listen and guide you toward a wholly fulfilling life.