Do you live with a chronic illness? Coach Christa does.

Have you heard any variation of these statements?

  • But you don’t look sick.
  • You were fine yesterday.
  • You look great!
  • I get tired too, but I just push through it.
  • Yes, I hurt as well, but you know, we’re all getting old and feeling it.

Have you had someone accuse you of lying or faking your illness?

Do you feel the need to downplay your symptoms because you don’t want people to think you’re always complaining?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have something in common.  I’ve been living with a chronic illness in one form or another for most of my life. Since the age of thirteen, I’ve lived in severe monthly pain due to undiagnosed Endometriosis. I final received my diagnosis when I was thirty-seven years old and have been able to reduce my symptoms, but not eliminate them. In my twenties, after a long bout of mononucleosis, I was left with flare ups of severe fatigue that I still experience to this day. In my thirties, I developed reoccurring migraine headaches, which also persist into today. Now in my forties, after months of dealing with muscle and joint pain throughout my entire body and a plethora of tests to rule out other conditions, I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by a rheumatologist. I know the intimate struggles of living with chronic illness. I understand the simultaneous relief and dreadful reality of getting a diagnosis.  I know the dark moments of doubt and the daily hardships we experience when it’s just us facing the existence of our illness. Our conditions might be different, but the process of empowering ourselves is the same. You are not alone. As your life purpose coach, I am here to help you overcome the challenges of your chronic illness, rediscover your purpose beyond your chronic condition, and reclaim your life.