Coach Christa

Christa Lamb
Certified life coach

As a professional certified life coach, I understand finding your life’s purpose can be challenging. Often, there isn’t one straight path toward finding it. Many times, there are forks in the road on the journey and we must choose between two paths that may offer us opportunity. How do we know which path is right? This was a choice I was faced with several years back. I had to choose between a fruitful promotion in a corporate project management role or follow a deeper calling to live a life of greater purpose. I remember the moment I made my decision; I was standing in the vestibule of a commuter train heading into New York City from New Jersey. I knew this was a crossroad. I could take this promotion, have financial security, and establish myself long term in New York, or follow my passion and dream. The answer was clear. I couldn’t ignore the presence of inner knowing. I declined the offer and began working as a freelance graphic designer, choosing projects that were meaningful and felt fulfilling. I focused my design work on individuals and companies who were having a positive impact on the world. While freelancing, I wrote three manuscripts, published one book, and built a website called The Universal One Healing to help guide people on their spiritual path of self discovery. I facilitated workshops on deepening spiritual awareness, and received my certification as a Reiki Master. As someone who has learned to embrace my life’s purpose, I can not see myself doing anything other than helping people to find their life’s purpose. And I would be honored to walk with you on your journey toward finding your life’s purpose, so you too can have a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Certified through Coach Training Alliance (CTA).

My specialties include: