Fibromyalgia flare ups for me happen most often when I am emotionally stressed. Losing a loving pet can be a big stressor for a flare up. I am learning that acceptance of my emotions, no matter how fragile or painful they are, is crucial to reducing the intensity of the flare up. I’m learning to feel my emotions and honor the process of grief. It comes in waves and with those waves come aches, pain and fatigue, but fighting or trying to hold back my emotions will only heighten the intensity of all I am feeling inside. 
If you live with fibromyalgia and are experiencing the loss of a loved one, be gentle with yourself and allow your body to experience all the sensations that comes with a spike in emotions while living with a chronic illness. Be kind to yourself because, as is with so many things in life, the only way out is through. We all experience grief. What we need more than anything from ourselves and others is understanding.  
I understand your pain. I know the struggle. And even in my grief, I am here for you.

Hard Doesn’t Mean Impossible